Common sense and fire safety

Everyone gets relaxed about fire safety. It can slip everyone's mind, especially in the evening or during or after a party. Often we imagine a house fire as something that happens in an old black and white movie, or something that will never happen to us. Thankfully with modern technology, it is much easier to prevent house fires, but it is still wise to be on guard.

It is amazing the amount of people who get fed up with smoke alarm going off every time they cook, so they take the batteries out, and virtually live with a fully capable smoke alarm, that has been deactivated. A smoke alarm is probably the most simple way to keep the family safe in case of a fire, and to prevent a fire from spreading as well. A growing cause of fires thank to modern dcor are candles. They are beautiful, they smell nice, and the lend to the atmosphere, but just be careful!

It can feel a little over to top to do a fire safety check just before heading up to bed, but those who have lived through the terror of waking up in the night to a smoke alarm or the smell of burning will not think so. They say it is best to work out an exit strategy long before you are caught unawares.

When you live in an older home, you are more than likely in the predicament of not having enough sockets to plug things into. It can be very common in one corner of the house where there are several pieces of electrical gear like the TV, the DVD player, and the games console, to overload sockets. When the sockets are overloaded they can get too warm and become a fire hazard.

Some people like the idea of having actual fire extinguishers in their home. This can be useful for putting out fires on the spot, during the day when you are right there when it happens. The powder or foam fire extinguishers are probably the best choice as they can cope with different types of fires, except of course grease fires which require a wet chemical extinguisher.

By Chung Lep
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