The Best Way to Pre-Sell Your Product

Pre-selling is great for selling lots of affiliate products because you do anything but sell when you do it. By giving away the right content in your pre-sell, you'll be able to get more attention from your prospects and it will help you build a strong relationship with them through this very content. The question then, if you think about it, is "what should I be doing to make sure my pre-sell is as effective as it can be so that I can get the response that I want?" In the following article we analyze three simple tips that you can use right away to instill more confidence into your pre-sell and get more conversions...

You need to realize that pre-selling is about your helping your prospect actually want the product you're selling; you aren't pushing the sale. It is about helping your prospect find more clarity after they have already shown interest in your product. You're far more free when you are pre-selling because you aren't limited to the traditional "sales pitch"; instead you get to be conversational and talk to potential buyers about what makes your product interesting. So make sure you are focusing primarily on helping your prospects feel more comfortable with the idea of investing in your product. Period.

If you haven't used the product that your pre-selling personally, you can always use other people's results. Your focus needs to be on convincing people that the product is beneficial, even when the results were gotten through someone else. Search out people who have actually used the product first hand and see what kind of feedback they give on it. You can do this on Twitter, Yahoo! Answers, niche forums, etc. The point here is that by leveraging these results you're actually winning the confidence of your prospects and giving them a stronger reason to trust you.

As you create the content for your pre-sell, try to come up with a few things that your prospects might be trying to solve so that your content is, in effect, pushing the prospect to look for solutions. There are just too many reasons as to why this works, but the fact remains that it does - people automatically look for a viable solution when they're explained or shown the problem. Your job is to use your pre-sell content in such a way that you aren't just explaining problems to your prospects but are also taking them by the hand and leading them to the actions that you want them to take.

Learning pre-selling techniques isn't that hard, all you have to do is focus on creating a strong foundation from the beginning. You need to perfect your basics and get them correct before you jump into pre-selling; know that your product is good and right and make sure that your decisions are not being hastily made. Pre-selling can give you results but it takes time to see them come in, especially if you are just starting out. So what are you waiting for? Start pre-selling the right way and see your results enhance!

By Randall Nielsen

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